You don’t always have to be a superhero – how to have a cruise week

You don't always have to be a superhero. How to have a cruise week.

Some weeks you’re on top of your shit and you’re kicking goals like a champ. Woooo! Love those weeks, don’t you?

But some weeks aren’t like that. And you can find yourself questioning your competence and your ability to juggle all the awesome things you love in your life. The big mistake here is to choose that exact moment to assess your priorities.



Making big decisions when you’re stressed, tired and overstretched is a mistake. Wait until you’re feeling calmer and then take a look at what you’ve got on your plate.

We are all about kicking the big goals at Champagne Cartel. We love to run marathons, drink champers with our mates, and hold rad makeup soirees. But sometimes you need to take your foot off the pedal and take a bit of a cruise. Because kicking arse is exhausting, and those people that only have one setting – full speed ahead – are, frankly, terrifying.

So how do you go from Wonder Woman to Super Couch Lady?

You don't always have to be a super hero, hoe to have a cruise week

Here are some suggestions to get you in the mood for a cruise:

  • Let the kids get tuckshop. Every day, if you like. Will it kill them?
  • Serve breakfast for dinner. Maybe not every day. But who am I to judge?
  • Tell your boss you’re going to be late and take a slow morning getting ready and have a coffee in the park on the way to work.
  • Don’t respond to all your emails – create a pending folder for things that are too hard right now and look at it later.
  • Do your floors really need vacuuming? Can those dishes drain until tomorrow? Do your jeans really need ironing? REALLY? Sometimes we choose to add busy into our lives. Reassess that.
  • Go for a walk in nature instead of hitting the gym. Sometimes going hard core isn’t what you need. Gentle exercise in nature is the best thing for your brain.
  • Don’t put your hand up for the thing. You know, the thing that needs doing that nobody else will put there hand up for? Fuck ’em. If they don’t want to do it, why should you?
  • Call in favours, ask for help, get someone to pick up the kids or cook a meal or watch the kids for a few hours.

I’m in super cruise mode this week, and I have to tell you, it’s effing awesome. I’m using after school care more than I usually do, I’ve handed off some projects I would otherwise be losing sleep trying to get done, and I’m still taking time out to chill.

Because I ain’t no martyr.

Do you fit in a cruise week occasionally? How do you manage it?



Written By

Carolyn is the editorial director of Champagne Cartel and a freelance writer. In her spare time she is a long-distance runner, peanut butter enthusiast, and single mum to three incredible humans.


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