Makeup for a Tired Face: The Video Tutorial

I had a really hideous night sleep last weekend. I was up until 11pm watching a Suits marathon on Netflix. I got into bed and was all crazy in my mind. The monkeys were monkey-knife-fighting in my brain. And then after I fell asleep at some wretched hour, our five year old decided he needed to get up for a drink. Three times.

I decided to turn that little challenge into an opportunity, and made you a video.

In hindsight it may not have been the best time for it, I acknowledge I look demented. But the information is sound I think. I had to fast forward some parts because I rambled like a bastard and took an EXCRUCIATINGLY long time to do anything. Symptom of being super tired I suppose. Or maybe I’m just a doddery old person.

But I’d really love to hear your feedback!


Written By

Gillian is a marketing savant and brand strategist with over 20 years of experience in above and below the line marketing, digital strategy and creative direction. She is an exceptional people person who loves to collaborate with clients every step of the way to achieve the best possible outcome. Gillian is also a successful makeup-artist and make-up obsessive who loves to share her tricks of the trade and help women to look good and feel great.


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