If you’ve been following Champagne Cartel for a while, you’ll know that I love banging on about anxiety. I used to live with crippling anxiety – anxiety that stopped me from functioning as a regular member of society. It stopped me from making friends, from getting jobs I wanted, from buying milk at the corner shop, and from answering the phone.
But today I’m much better than I’ve ever been. I’ve found a bunch of ways to manage anxiety so that, although it still exists in my life and most likely always will, it’s now relegated to background noise like Bananarama playing in Coles, rather than standing in the spotlight, front and centre.
I wrote an article for SBS Life last week that was shared pretty widely and seemed to resonate with a lot of people, so I thought I’d share that with you here, along with a few other techniques that could help if you live with anxiety too.
- I named my anxiety Clive and it changed my life – a story at SBS Life about how I accidentally discovered the technique of cognitive defusion (and thanks to Dr Sash from From the Left Field for her expert comments)
- Why you need to keep moving, especially when you don’t feel like it – how exercise will loosen anxiety’s grip
- Top tips on dealing with anxiety from some clever women who manage it every day – advice from Mrs Woog, Kerri Sackville, Bianca Wordley and Sonia Styling
- Treating anxiety with food – does anxiety begin in the gut and should you change your diet?
- The most important lesson I learned about anxiety – this completely changed my attitude about dealing with mental illness and I still think of it every day.
Do you live with anxiety? What’s your best tip?
Yep anxiety is part of my life. As I have gotten older I have gotten a lot better at controlling it. The thing that helps me a lot is mantras – telling my anxiety that I am brave and strong. He seems to get smaller and smaller.
I’ve been meditating a lot lately, and am just getting into mantras. Great to hear they work for you Sam! xx