Champagne Cartel Wellness Week

I’ve been burning the candle at both ends lately, in fact my candle is a mere nubbin. So I decided it was high time that I prioritise my health again.  I had a great idea that I would treat myself to a week focussed on my eating, exercise, lots of water yaddayaddayadda. Then it occurred to me that you might want to come along for the ride.

I’m calling it my Champagne Cartel Wellness Week! And I’d REALLY love you to join me. All you have to do is print the Wellness Week PDF and simply tick off the items you achieve in a day. Don’t worry if you don’t do everything, just try for five of the seven. And even if you have one bad day, don’t give up! Reset and don’t forget tomorrow is a new day.

Wellness Week
This is my wellness week chart, print the PDF to keep track of your fabulousness!

And remember, this is about self love and being super kind to yourself. It’s not about punishment in any way. If you are having trouble, try and remind yourself that what you are doing is something really nice. I’ll be keeping track of what I’m doing on Instagram and Facebook. It would be awesome if you shared your chart too. I think these sort of things are better when you have friends to support and encourage you.

MWAH, here’s to a fabulous week of health and wellness!


Written By

Gillian is a marketing savant and brand strategist with over 20 years of experience in above and below the line marketing, digital strategy and creative direction. She is an exceptional people person who loves to collaborate with clients every step of the way to achieve the best possible outcome. Gillian is also a successful makeup-artist and make-up obsessive who loves to share her tricks of the trade and help women to look good and feel great.


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