The one ingredient that will make your green smoothie taste good

The one ingredient that will make your green smoothie taste good

I’m a mad fan of the breakfast smoothie. It’s a great way to start the day, I can sip it while I’m chasing my three kids around the house and nagging them to get ready for kindy/primary school/high school (living the trifecta dream!) – PLUS it’s a great way to get some veggies into me before the day has really started. I always feel good about a day when I have eaten something green before I’ve even left the house.

But here’s the thing. As much as I love the green smoothies, and how great they are for me, sometimes they taste a bit, well, like a casserole. And I don’t know about you, but that is not a vibe I’m ready for at 6 o’clock in the morning.

The casserole effect didn’t happen every day, but sometimes. And I couldn’t put my finger on what made it go away.

Until recently, that is…

A friend recommended to me that if I was including green veg in my morning smoothie, I should also include some form of tropical fruit, because tropical fruit will negate that casserole taste.

The one ingredient that will make your green smoothie taste goodI have been trying it every day since, and what do you know, it works!

So we’re talking:

  • pineapple
  • mango
  • passionfruit
  • paw paw
  • lychee
  • dragonfruit (or pitaya as it’s suddenly known as in the ‘superfood’ circles)
  • date
  • fig
  • pomegranate.

There are loads more too – use your imagination! Just a note though: bananas are tropical fruits but I find they don’t do enough on their own to really de-casserole my smoothies, so I like to also add another tropical fruit.

Happy sipping!

If you’d prefer a smoothie that will cure your hangover, check out this brilliant pain-busting recipe!

Written By

Carolyn is the editorial director of Champagne Cartel and a freelance writer. In her spare time she is a long-distance runner, peanut butter enthusiast, and single mum to three incredible humans.

1 Comment

  • Your article has given me the kick-up-the-butt I need today. Time to dig out the Nutri Bullet and start blending again, I’ve been getting really lazy with my breakfast, opting for a large coffee only most school days. Not good, I know.

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