Sarah’s favourite things

Here are a few of my favourite things at the moment, the go-to stuff that gives my day a lift or helps me out when I’m in a bind.


Tiger Tribe toys: It’s my favourite place to go for children’s toys, particularly gifts for quite little ones. I pretty much love everything they do although I find it almost impossible to choose just one. Tiger Tribe is made up of a group of Australian illustrators, graphic designers, and product innovators and everything is designed and illustrated in Australia.


Aeropress: I love coffee. Just one good cup a day and when travelling getting my early morning fix was a pretty big problem until my introduction to Aeropress. I was often out, early morning, trudging the streets looking for something that resembled what I make at home. I love this little guy: he’s travel friendly, lightweight, and all you need is water and coffee. This gadget is the bomb.

i quit sugar raspberry ripple

I Quit Sugar by Sarah Wilson: I probably haven’t felt “right” or really well for about eight years, since the birth of my first kid. I’ve done a whole bunch of things to work it out, but quitting sugar has been the most effective and rewarding change to my diet, by far. I love Sarah Wilson’s approach to life and her books look so scrumptious I want to dive into them and stay there forever. I’m now a complete convert and am constantly encouraging everyone else to try it. Check out Sarah’s blog here.


Brené Brown: Brené is an absolute inspiration, after a very successful TED talk in 2010 (see here) her ideas launched themselves into the hearts of so many including me. You’ll not often find me in the “self help” section of the book store but Brené’s books are always enlightening, entertaining and a great reminder to keep looking at your stuff – you know, the emotional work you have to do to be a better you. She reminds us to have the courage to work through shame, it’s a tough but incredibly rewarding journey.

infinite monkey cage ii

The Infinite Monkey Cage: This weekly science and comedy podcast is a complete and utter hoot. Brian Cox (the pop star physicist) and Robin Ince (writer and comedian) are joined by a diverse panel and an enthusiastic “studio” audience. One of my all-time favourite shows was broadcast from Glastonbury Festival and Billy Bragg was on the panel. I always feel a little bit smarter after listening, I love it!

Written By

Carolyn is the editorial director of Champagne Cartel and a freelance writer. In her spare time she is a long-distance runner, peanut butter enthusiast, and single mum to three incredible humans.

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