Friday linkfest

Hi everyone, I hope you’ve had a fantastic week. Two of my three children had birthdays this week so my house has been all kinds of crazy-bazingas and I don’t think I’ve eaten a vegetable since last week (chips don’t really count, do they?).

I have, however, had a chance to find some really fun links to share today – as well as some hot tips from the rest of the Cartel. So grab yourself a cup of something hot and delicious if you are in Melbourne, or crack some ice cubes and something cold if you’re in Queensland. If you’re anywhere else, I will let you be the judge of the most appropriate beverage. You’re a grown up. You can decide.

If you’re at work, though, minimise that spreadsheet and have it on standby just in case anyone walks past.

Bored Panda – I have just discovered this site but it has some great collections of photos. This one has some amazing images from the past hundred or so years that you probably haven’t seen before.

Bored Panda again – Like I said, this site is new to me, but I am a sucker for dodgy Chinese translations on signs. I thought I’d seen just about every single one on the whole of the interweb but I was wrong. This one had me snorting so hard, family members came from all over the house to see what I was laughing at. Qualifier: none of them thought it was quite as funny as I did.

Your fix of super cute kid stuff – A dad and his little girl sing to take her mind off the fireworks going off outside. Warning: viewing may make your ovaries throb. You have been warned.

Live, Love and Hiccups – Sonia from LLH got to meet photographer Anne Geddes and talk about the controversial subject of immunisation. She has some important messages in there and I think it’s great we’re still having these conversations.

Why you can’t stop smelling your baby’s head – I knew it!

Feeling under the weather? – Interesting article by a doctor about how we understand our lives better than any medical practitioner – and so are better equipped to know how to heal ourselves.

There we go, Cartellians. I hope there is something in there that tickled your fancy this Friday. Have a great weekend. CT xx

Image courtesy of

Written By

Carolyn is the editorial director of Champagne Cartel and a freelance writer. In her spare time she is a long-distance runner, peanut butter enthusiast, and single mum to three incredible humans.

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