Hello, gorgeous! How has your week been? Mine has been an absolute roller coaster – but that’s cool, it reminds us we’re alive, right? Nothing particularly good or bad happened, but my attitude changed a lot from day to day. I love that I am old and wise enough now to ride out the icky days and savour the fab days while they’re here. Must be a 40 thing. 😉
Speaking of 40, did you all see this fantabulous pic our Gillian painted for me for my birthday? There is nothing like having someone paint you a picture to make you feel pretty effing special. Love it.
Amongst all of this, these are the fun things I found on the web this week that entertained me or made me feel good. I hope you like them too.
How to be sexy while playing sports – if I didn’t have two daughters, I would find this hilarious. But I do have two daughters. So I find it scary and funny. Let’s say it’s scarilarious.
Young people swap clothes with their grandparents and parents for charming and fascinating photos – This is just so quirky and charming, and it makes me want to visit my grandmother with a camera (and start referring to myself as a young person).
Breathe – A beautiful, beautiful post from the thoughtful and articulate Danielle at Keeping up with the Holsbys. It made me tear up with something. Happiness? Relief? Longing? Something. *sigh* She has a way with very few words which is just invigorating.
Anatomy of a smoothie – Never make a bad smoothie again! That great pair at Cook Republic have broken down the science of smoothie making so you will make winner after winner. I’ve been following their formula every day this week, and invented some crackers along the way. All thriller, no filler. And, my giddy aunt, their photos are BEAUTIFUL.
Why engagement rings are a scam – Got an engagement ring and think it’s valuable? Hmmmm, you might want to look at this. I don’t know if it’s true, but it’s pretty funny. (For the record, I skipped the engagement ring option and just got a wedding ring with a butt-load of diamonds in it. And, yes, butt-load is a Tiffany-approved term.)
Malteser slice – Lauren from Create Bake Make has invented fire. Or the wheel. Or something equally super-crucial to life that we can’t imaging how we ever lived without. Because Maltesers, that’s why. Why haven’t you clicked on it yet??
A Pixar artist drew R-rated film scenes and turned them into a ‘children’s book’ – So inappropriate for kids but great drawings!
The Art of Asking – the always incredibly Amanda Palmer talks about being in a creative field and learning to ask for, and accept, help. Really inspiring stuff and an interesting perspective.
And if you haven’t seen it yet, you should check out her great song from last year in response to a ‘music journalist’ from the Daily Mail reviewing her gig only to spend the entire article talking about how her boob fell out of her top rather than the actual performance. LOVE!
Oh, and did you hear those sassy gals at Champagne Cartel are having a little competition? They just want you to take care of yourself and take a picture of yourself doing it. And you win stuff. Yay! Check out the Champagne Days competition.
Oh my god, I am in a list with Amanda Palmer. You just made my week! Thanks for the love. Thanks for getting it. xxx
Thank you for also making my week! Feeling very lucky to be listed alongside such wonderful women x
HAHA despite a whole payout post I just wrote on the smoothie – since I am drinking them religiously I’m going to read the goddamn smoothie link to make sure mine taste good all the time. Thanks you! Cos, tasting good is the whole point, right? Right????? (She says as she eats dairy free sugar free chocolate… but it tastes good. Promise ;).